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Rules Governing the Carrying of Foreign Exchange, Precious Metalsand Payment Instruments in Convertible Currency into or out of China

(Promulgated by the State General Administration of ExchangeControl on August 10, 1981)

Important Notice: (注意事项)

当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

Rules Governing the Carrying of Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals
and Payment Instruments in Convertible Currency into or out of China
(Promulgated by the State General Administration of Exchange
Control on August 10, 1981)
Article 1
These rules are formulated for implementing the stipulations in Articles
27, 28, 29 and 30 of the "Provisional Regulations for Exchange Control of
the People's Republic of China".
Article 2
No restriction is imposed on the quantity of foreign exchange, payment
instruments in convertible Renminbi, gold, silver, platinum and other
precious metals and objects made from them which may be carried into China
by persons entering the country, but they must be declared to the Customs
at the place of entry.
Article 3
The carrying out of China of foreign exchange, payment instruments in
convertible Renminbi, gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals and
objects made from them previously brought in shall be permitted by the
Customs against the original declaration form issued at the time of entry.
Article 4
The unused portion of the Renminbi which has been converted either from
foreign exchange and payment instruments in convertible Renminbi brought
in, or from foreign exchange remitted in by persons entering the country
may be converted back into foreign exchange before their departure from
China and the Customs shall permit the taking out of China of the foreign
exchange so obtained against the exchange memo issued by the Bank of
Article 5
The carrying out of China of objects made from gold, silver, platinum and
other precious metals bought in the country shall be permitted by the
Customs against certification by the sellers within the limit as
prescribed by the state.
Article 6
The carrying out of China of foreign exchange and payment instruments in
convertible Renminbi shall be permitted by the Customs against
certification by the Bank of China. The carrying out of China of drafts,
traveller's cheques and traveller's letters of credit in foreign currency,
and Renminbi bank-note and passbook custodian certificates issued or sold
by the Bank of China shall be permitted by the Customs after examination,
and no certification by the Bank of China is required.

Article 7
Chinese, or foreign nationals, or stateless persons residing in China
shall, when emigrating from the country, be permitted by the Customs to
carry out of China gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals and
objects made from them within the limit as prescribed by the state.
Article 8
The carrying or sending out of China in person, or by others, or by post
of Renminbi cheques, drafts, passbooks and deposit certificates and other
Renminbi payment instruments held by Chinese, or foreign nationals, or
stateless persons residing in the country is not permitted.
Article 9
Unless otherwise approved by the State General Administration of Exchange
Control or its branch offices, it is not permitted to carry or send out of
China in person, or by others, or by post, documents and securities held
by Chinese residing in the country, such as foreign bonds, debentures,
shares and title deeds; certification and agreements relating to the
settlement of creditor's rights, inheritances, real estate and other
foreign exchange assets abroad; and letters and instruments containing
instructions of payment abroad.
Article 10
Where foreign enterprises which have terminated their business in China
and foreign nationals who have left China wish to carry out of China
foreign securities kept in the country, they shall be permitted to do so
by the Customs on the approval of the State General Administration of
Exchange Control or its branch offices, but it is not permitted to carry
out of the country Chinese securities and shares whether in person, or by
others, or by post.
Article 11
Where bilateral agreements have been signed between China and foreign
countries on the carrying of currencies into and out of each other's
boundary, matters will be handled in accordance with the provisions
Article 12
These rules shall also apply where foreign exchange, payment instruments
in convertible Renminbi, gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals
and objects made from them are carried into or out of China by compatriots
from Hongkong and Macao.
Article 13
These rules are promulgated by the State General Administration of
Exchange Control.

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第一章 总 则
第一条 为了加强对社会办医和个体行医的管理,促进医疗卫生事业的发展,保障人民健康,特制定本办法。
第二条 凡具备本办法规定办医条件的机关、团体、企业事业单位和个人,经申请批准,可以开办医疗预防、妇幼保健、医学咨询、康复疗养等医疗卫生机构(以下简称社会办医)。凡具备本办法规定行医条件的个人,经申请批准,允许行医。
第三条 社会办医和个体行医是国家医疗卫生事业的有益补充。其正当的业务活动和合法经济收益受法律保护,任何单位或个人不得干涉和侵犯。
第四条 县以上各级卫生行政部门是社会办医和个体行医的业务主管部门。

第二章 开业条件
第五条 社会办医,必须具备与其业务相适应的场所、房屋、设备等条件,并须按照医疗卫生机构的类型,配备卫生技术人员及床位。
第六条 个体行医,必须有固定的住址和执业所需的房屋、设备、常用药品及器械。行医人员须分别具有下列技术资格:
(二) 中医学徒,须取得县以上卫生行政部门发给的出师证;
第七条 属于下列情况之一的,不得申请个体行医:
第八条 社会办医和个体行医可以雇请必要的服务人员,但非卫生技术人员不得从事医疗技术工作。

第三章 登记发证
第九条 社会办医,由办医机构或主办单位提出申请,经所在市、县卫生行政部门审查合格,予以登记,发给办医注册证。
第十条 个体行医,由本人提出申请,当地城市街道或乡、镇人民政府出具证明,经市、县卫生行政部门审查合格,予以登记,发给行医许可证。个体行医不进行工商登记。
第十一条 社会办医机构和个体行医人员必须按照核准的执业地点、服务范围和业务项目执业。需要变动或调整的,应及时向原发证机关办理变更登记手续;停业的,应办理注销登记手续;需迁往其他市、县的,应缴销原发证件,至迁往地重新申领。

第四章 管 理
第十二条 社会办医机构和个体行医人员应认真执行国家卫生政策和法规,接受并完成当地卫生行政部门分配的卫生防疫、妇幼保健、医疗抢救和计划生育等项工作。
第十三条 社会办医机构和个体行医人员必须严格执行卫生医疗原则、技术操作规程、医疗服务收费标准和各种登记管理制度。发生医疗差错和事故,应如实登记,并按规定上报市、县卫生行政部门,不得隐瞒。
第十四条 社会办医机构和个体行医人员必须严格遵守《药品管理法》和各项药品管理的规定,合理、安全用药。以销售药品为主业的,应按规定申请药品经营许可证和办理工商登记。
第十五条 社会办医机构和个体行医人员发布业务广告,应事先报市、县卫生行政部门审定。
第十六条 各级卫生行政部门对社会办医机构和个体行医人员应当积极支持,提供方便,并加强医政检查监督。医政人员执行任务时,应出示省卫生厅制发的《安徽省医政管理检查证》。

第五章 奖 惩
第十七条 社会办医机构和个体行医人员遵纪守法,坚持文明行医、优质服务,在工作中做出显著成绩的,由当地人民政府或卫生行政部门给予表彰或奖励。
第十八条 有下列行为之一的,由市、县卫生部行政部门根据情节轻重,分别给予警告、罚款、责令停业、吊销办医注册或行医许可证的处罚:
(六) 医德败坏、医疗作风恶劣的。
第十九条 社会办医机构和个体行医人员在执业期间发生医疗事故,参照国家有关处理医疗事故的规定办理。对以行医为名骗财害人和有其他严重违法行为的,由卫生行政部门会同公安、司法机关依法查处。

第六章 附 则
第二十条 本办法自发布之日起施行,由各卫生厅负责解释。



中国中央电视台 德意志联邦共和国第二电视台(ZDF


(签订日期1978年10月6日 生效日期1978年10月6日)

  第一条 双方将就两国所发生的,共同感兴趣的重大时事相互推荐或要求提供有关这些事件的电视片或录像带,并确定免费或在最有利的条件下提供这些节目。

  第二条 双方相互推荐自己的节目供对方选择,并根据具体情况商定该节目免费交换或互购。

  第三条 所有节目应附有文字说明。对这些节目的任何修改或删剪都不得损害原意。寄送节目的费用由寄送一方负担。

  第四条 双方将进行电视工作经验的交流。互派代表团、记者、技术人员进行短期自费或免费访问。

  第五条 一方到另一方采访、制作或通过卫星直接转播节目,应预先提出采访计划和需要对方协助的技术要求,根据对方的可能条件具体协商,在商定的基础上给派出方以协助和支持。采访费用由派出方自理,技术协助费用按双方商定的办法付费或互惠。

  第六条 当一方希望与对方国家其它机构联系时,双方应尽可能提供方便。

  第七条 双方机构主要领导成员的人事变动应及时通知对方。

  第八条 本协定自签字之日起生效,有效期为两年,如在期满前三个月任何一方未书面通知另一方要求终止本协定,则本协定将自动延长两年。对此协定如有修改或补充,需经双方书面商定。

    中华人民共和国          德意志联邦共和国
     中央电视台          第二电视台(ZDF)
     代   表             代  表
     戴 临 风            冯·哈 泽
     (签字)             (签字)